Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Hi from Israel. I only have a few minutes because the first 10 of my 15 minutes the girl had to translate from Hebrew to English so i would know how to log into this page.

I'm in Tel Aviv tonight, that's modern day Joppa. This is the place where Jonah jumped on the boat so he didn't have to go to Ninevah. Just down the road a bit was the place in Acts where Peter was staying with Simon the Tanner when he had the vision and God told him to share the gospel with a gentile for the first time. I started to have tears in my eyes already as I realized that Peter probably walked right where I was sticking my feet in the Meditteranean.

I feel totally safe here. The Israeli people are super friendly and the men surprisingly very good looking - dark and handsome.

The flight was a big nervracking as someone tried to smoke in the bathroom so all these red lights were flashing - i thought we were going down or there was a bomb. False Alarm. The interviews to get on the plane were intense as well. I had to answer all these questions and the guy didn't crack a smile. Like "what church are you from? How many members does it have? How many years has it been a church". Pretty cool!

Friday, October 24, 2008

the crucifixion

9 years ago, i went from being a "Christian" to having a personal relationship with Christ. he'd ask for my time, money, talents, everything and I'd give him a tiny bit. then he asked me to go to africa where i had to give him everything and everyone. it was in this giving all that i found the deepest intimacy with him and the greatest joy. he became everything to me. then in this last year he has completely wrecked me for his kingdom. I was this pottery and I was completely shattered in Swaziland and He began to put the pieces as he wanted them.i can never go back to who i was. he asked me while i was in africa these 2 questions: 1)"are you ready to give full control to me" and 2)"are you ready to give up everything that makes you becca". i've never been the same since i said yes. it's no longer about becca or what becca wants it's about Christ and His kingdom.I've never experienced freedom like this before. thoughts of the my Gracious One flood my mind. I'm so in love with him. if i don't write the things he's doing and saying down i'll explode. i have to put words to it and bring him more glory. it seems like the more i walk and follow after Him, the more questions i have. this spot is for me to give voice to these questions, thank him, share what he's saying and whatever else he wants to do.