In the midst of this darkness, trial, and desert season there are things that I am thankful for.
To start off, this morning I checked my email and my top 8 emails were from outside of the United States. If i looked at my top 10, the others were 2
I had met while living in Africa and even they don't live in California. I just started thanking the Lord that I woke up and had emails from Kenya, South Africa, Swaziland, Michigan, and Kansas City and as of tonight I got one from Atlanta from a sweet sister who I lived in Africa with. I'm so thankful that I have friends from so many tongues, tribes, and nations and that different languages were written in my emails. I love that these saints are from all different backgrounds, denominations, and paths leading to furthering the Kingdom of heaven. I love the ways they have all influenced me, encouraged me, poured into me, and challenged me.
Thank you:
for My home
My family and getting to be a part of their daily lives again
That you never leave me
for Time to heal
for Those you are bringing around me during this difficult time
for Your unconditional love
that My basic needs are met
that I had a meal tonight and will not go to bed hungry
for 2 jobs during a difficult economic time in our country
for The gift of music
for 4 recent Phone calls from Africa
that You are good and you can do nothing less...
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